Monday, October 7, 2024

What God Has Joined Together

 Jesu Juva

Mark 10:2-16                                                  

October 6, 2024

Proper 22B             

 Dear saints of our Savior~

        I really wish those Pharisees had come to Jesus with a better question.  Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?  What an awful question.  What a telling question.  How different things might be if they had asked:  Jesus, what are the five keys to a successful, happy marriage? Jesus, how can we love and serve our wives better?  Jesus, what can we do to avoid the tragedy and trauma of divorce?  If Jesus had just answered one of those questions, wow, we would have a ready-made sermon text for every wedding.  Husbands and wives could review our Lord’s answer every night before going to bed and at the beginning of every new day.  What beautiful answer might Jesus have given to a more earnest question about marriage?  We will never know.

        Instead, what we’re stuck with is:  Jesus, is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?  It was a question not prompted by faith or by a love for God’s gift of marriage.  No, they were testing Jesus—tricking Jesus—trying to get Him off-message.  It was just days before Palm Sunday, holy week, Good Friday.  The Pharisees were looking for creative ways to charge Jesus, to try Jesus, and to kill Jesus.

        We love Jesus.  We rightly view marriage as His gift—His institution.  Marriage is holy; and we must keep it holy.  Marriage should be honored by all—even if you happen to be single.

        Yet sometimes our approach to marriage—sometimes our take on God’s gifts and God’s Law—leaves us sounding a lot like those faithless Pharisees.  They knew divorce was not God’s will; but they wanted to explore the legal loopholes.  What are the exceptions?  What are the exclusions?  What does the fine print in Deuteronomy say?  Where’s the wiggle room?  Is this really a black and white issue?  Isn’t there some contradiction in the by-laws that we can exploit so as to maneuver around God’s will and God’s ways and God’s Words?

        We all do this.  Our sinful nature is pre-programmed to do this.  I know we’re supposed to forgive those who sin against us; but . . .what’s the limit?  Seven times?  Or, what sins are so bad that we can be justified in not forgiving them?  “Love your enemies,” Jesus says, “pray for those who persecute you.”  But this is just hyperbole, right?  Loving your enemies is for losers.  Love the one who has hurt you—lied about you—cheated you—cheated on you?  Surely, there’s another way—a way that allows me to do my will rather than God’s will.  With our carefully crafted questions we’re very good and waffling and schwaffling and evading and avoiding what is true and right and salutary.

        But Jesus doesn’t let terrible questions prevent amazing answers.  Jesus took His terrible questioners back to the beginning—back to Genesis chapter two—back to male and female and the two becoming one flesh.  But to this ancient history, Jesus adds a new and timeless insight concerning marriage:  What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.

        With that phrase, “what God has joined together,” Jesus tells us a glorious truth—a truth we might not otherwise realize.  If you are married, it wasn’t the preacher who joined you together—or the justice of the peace.  You may have wooed, and wowed and dated and proposed and bought the dress or rented the tux.  But God Himself has joined you to your spouse.  In, with, and under the engagement and the ceremony, God was at work.  Backing up your vows and your commitment to have and to hold until death parts you—there stands Jesus.  And this truth makes marriage—your marriage—precious and valuable and holy.  Not perfect, but holy.

        No perfect husbands.  No perfect wives.  Just a relationship rooted in repentance.  Just two sinners drinking deeply every day of the forgiveness Jesus earned when He carried our sins and sorrows to His crucifixion cross.  No more playing the blame game—looking for loopholes—seeking to skirt the clear commands of God.  Instead of excuses, instead of blaming and shaming, marriage is marked by confession and reconciliation:  I’m sorry.  I forgive you.

        In the Scriptures God gives us a perfect picture of marriage.  In this picture, Jesus is the groom and His church is the bride.  We are the bride of Christ.  But it could have been otherwise.  For Jesus could have divorced us.  God could have sent us away for good—with just cause—for our countless adulteries and idolatries.  Instead, Jesus bore our sin on the cross.  Our sin was joined to His body.  His body was joined to the cross.  Whatever the ways you have sought to separate and undo what God has joined together—see that sin buried in the tomb with Jesus.  Feel it washed away in the cleansing splash of your baptism.  Taste and savor the forgiveness that comes to you when our heavenly Bridegroom gives His body and blood to eat and drink.

        There’s a strange twist in today’s holy gospel—a rather abrupt transition.  Perhaps as a foil to the Pharisees—to counter-balance their malicious question on matrimony—the scene suddenly shifts:  They were bringing little children to Jesus that He might touch them.  These children—like all little children—had no agenda—no sly, clever questions—not looking for loopholes to evade and equivocate.  These children, like all children, were simply “givable-to.”  They were glad to receive what Jesus had to give.  That’s why the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Our newest, youngest member—little Colter—he’s totally helpless.  He’s completely dependent.  But moments ago, through water and word, this little one was joined to Jesus.  The holy cross left its mark on Colter, marking Him as one redeemed by Christ the crucified.  The kingdom of God belongs to such as Colter.

        Beloved in the Lord, be like Colter.  Channel your inner child—whatever your age may be.  Be givable-to where the gifts of God are concerned.  Believe and receive the blessings Jesus earned for you.  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.  The kingdom of God belongs to such as you.

        In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

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