Monday, September 2, 2024

Soldiers of the Savior

Jesu Juva

Ephesians 6:10-20                                      

September 1, 2024

Proper 17B                                  

 Dear saints of Our Savior~

        I can’t remember the last time I saw a real, live soldier—an active-duty, uniformed, member of the military.  Were there soldiers in the Whitefish Bay 4th of July parade?  There are no military bases in this neighborhood.  So it’s no surprise that soldiers are scarce around these parts.

        But in New Testament times soldiers were everywhere.  There were centurions in every city.  Rome ruled the world; and that rule was retained—power was preserved—through legions of soldiers.  Military muscle was the name of the game.

        The Apostle Paul knew this firsthand.  He had the military in mind as he wrote the concluding chapter of Ephesians.  In fact, Paul was actually under arrest when he wrote Ephesians—under guard 24/7.  It’s safe to conclude that there was an ever-present Roman soldier stationed nearby.  Perhaps as Paul beheld that soldier’s uniform and equipment—under inspiration of the Holy Spirit—he saw you and me—baptized believers decked out not in the armor of Rome; but in the full armor of God—like soldiers of the Savior.  

        Paul writes:  Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.  Soldiers require strength. Paul doesn’t just say, “Be strong” or “Live strong.”  Our own muscle means nothing.  So . . . be strong . . . in the Lord.  Lean on the Lord.  Whatever the challenges you face, you don’t have to rely solely on your own strength.  Our Lord’s power is made perfect in weakness—in the weakness of the cross and the grave.  Relying solely on our own muscle and might we’re doomed.  It’s only in the strength of Jesus that we can “be strong,” and face our challenges head on.

        And speaking of challenges, who is it we’re fighting against?  And who’s fighting against us?  Every soldier needs to know and recognize the enemy.  Paul makes that point clearly:  “We do not wrestle,” he writes, “against flesh and blood, . . . but against the powers of this present darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil. . .”  Our fight is spiritual.  It’s not against people—flesh and blood. 

        Our enemies are not the atheists or Antifa or Planned Parenthood—or the Republicans or the Democrats.  Jesus Christ died for all people without exception.  There is no one for whom Christ did not die.  Our battle is ultimately with the powers of darkness, the devil and his demons.  If you don’t know this—if you don’t know who the real enemy is—then you’re just a sitting duck—a big, fat target. 

          This is why you need the whole armor of God.  We need all the protection we can get.  We need to be clothed, outfitted, and equipped as soldiers of the Savior.  I once shared this passage about the armor of God with someone in the hospital.  If you’ve ever been hospitalized, then you know about the standard-issue hospital gown.  It’s designed to leave you as unsupported, exposed and as vulnerable as possible.  Medical personnel need access to your body, and the hospital gown provides nearly unhindered access.  What a privilege it was for me to remind that weak and vulnerable sister in Christ . . . that she was neither weak nor vulnerable—that she was strong in the Lord—that she was clothed in the full armor of God Himself. 

        Just what is this armor?  As a soldier of the Savior, you’ve got the belt of truth around your waist.  Truth may be in short supply these days, but truth is the foundation of our faith.  God’s Word is truth.  God’s people speak the truth in love.  You know and believe the truth—that your sins are forgiven in the death of Jesus, and you will live forever in His resurrection life.  He created us male and female.  Marriage should be honored by all.  That’s the truth—truth that enables you to stand your ground in this world of lies.

        As a soldier of the Savior, you’ve got the breastplate of Jesus’ righteousness over your heart.  It’s like a Kevlar, bullet-proof vest.  In your baptism you were clothed with that righteousness of Christ.  And listen carefully to what that means:  Jesus kept the whole law as your substitute—every commandment.  And that perfect life is now yours as a gift.  He became your sin in death, so that in Him you might be the righteousness of God.  That righteousness is your armor breastplate—which no charge can penetrate.  There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

        As a soldier of the Savior, your feet need to be ready to move.  Soldiers march.  Your shoes, Paul writes, are the gospel of peace.  When we have good news we’re motivated to move; we want to tell others.  The good news about Jesus was meant to be shared and spoken and preached and proclaimed and demonstrated in acts of mercy. 

        In fact, the word “gospel” is a term that comes straight from the battlefield.  When the fight was over and the battle won, they sent a runner to bring the good news—the gospel—back to the king.  This is how the marathon was invented.  Some guy with a long Greek name ran 26.2 miles to tell the king the gospel, the good news of victory.  And then he dropped dead.  Not exactly a happy ending, but lots of runners find it inspiring.

        Please note that this good news, Paul writes, is the gospel of peace.  Soldiers of the Savior are not waging war (or jihad); we’re waging peace.  There is now peace between God and man because of the God-Man who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.  Our enemy is already defeated.  The holy war was waged at Calvary; and was won when Jesus died.  This morning’s opening hymn, “Onward Christian Soldiers,” is slightly off the mark.  We’re not “marching as to war.”  Soldiers of the Savior are peace-keepers and peace-makers, telling the whole world that the fight is over, the battle won.  Christ has conquered, and through faith in Him you have the victory.

        Oh, and don’t forget your shield.  Arrows hurt, especially the flaming kind.  The Roman shield was made of leather and it could be soaked in water ahead of time to extinguish flaming arrows.  Your shield is the shield of THE faith.  I say THE faith because I don’t merely mean the faith in your heart.  I mean THE faith once delivered to the saints—the Christian faith—the doctrines and teachings of Christ.  That’s what deflects the arrows of Satan.

        That’s why Luther found such comfort in the Creed and had people pray the Creed, and why he himself always prayed it with the sick and troubled.  When you are sick or weak or doubting, take up your shield, soaked in the water of your baptism, and confess those sturdy words that recall your baptism:  “I believe in God the Father almighty.”  Going into the world without those teachings and doctrines of THE faith is like going into battle without your shield—or without your helmet.  You don’t stand a chance. 

        And by all means, don’t forget your weapon—the soldier’s best friend.  But because our battle is not against flesh and blood, our weapon is a spiritual one.  The only weapon God puts in your hand is the “sword of the Spirit,” the Word of God.  Nothing but the Word.  That’s all we have to defend ourselves.  It’s all we need.  But be careful.  Swords are dangerous.  Make sure you know how to use your sword, the Word of God.  Learn how to apply it and use it appropriately and draw from it life and salvation.  How?  Go to Sunday school.  Attend Bible class (which is basic training for soldiers of the Savior).  Dust off that small catechism, for heaven’s sake. 

        The battles we wage with the Word of God aren’t pretend, but real.  They have eternal consequences.  The only way you’re going to get better at handling that sword is to study and apply your mind to the Word of God—and I’d be delighted to help you with that.  Starting this week, in fact . . . . .

        Well, there you have it, the whole armor of God—everything you need to withstand the powers of darkness.  It’s not the most fashionable clothing in this year’s fall collection, but only those wearing this attire will be left standing on the last day.  As I look around this room, I see soldiers—soldiers of the Savior!

        Paul’s final exhortation in Ephesians is that we pray.  Make supplication for all the saints around the world, and especially those who are persecuted for Jesus’ sake.  Use your Our Savior picture directory to pray for each person you see in that book.  I wonder what might happen in a congregation where every member prayed intentionally for every other member?  And please pray for me, your pastor, that I have the courage and the wisdom to apply God’s Word to those whom God has entrusted to my care.

        Paul concludes Ephesians with words of peace and grace. Since I can’t improve on his conclusion, I’ll make it my own:  Peace be to you, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible. 

        In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.


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